The Sofihub Carers Support Group has been put together to assist and support individuals who care for people with Physical & Intellectual disabilities and for those caring for a senior member of our community.
There are 206 million carers in Australia of which we are only a small but positive group.
This is an amazing, fast-growing, FREE Facebook group where we want everyone to feel free to post fun, helpful and encouraging advice.
We are motivated to maintain a supportive environment that which is why these rules are super important.
And we stick to those rules.
Please note: **Admins and moderators are exempt from these rules.
The admin team spends 5-10 hours each work (unpaid) managing this group. If you don’t like the rules set out below, please don’t join**.
We may break our own rule and promote something if we feel as though it is of service to the group.
We reserve that right as it is our group and community.
No self-promotion is allowed, except where otherwise stated by admins.
Definition of self-promotion:
- posting a link to your own website
- posting affiliate links
- selling anything – that means services, products, courses, events and programs
- promoting your events or webinars
- posting your own content in the group and not in a specific (and relevant) thread. This includes posting links to surveys or creating surveys in the group, posting photos with your social
- handles, URLs or business name on them AND posting “free” offers
- posting full blog post content, or a post that is a length of a blog post, even without a link.
If you have created a video that shares hints, tips or advice, you are welcome to post it in our group, so long as it follows the following guidelines:
- There must not be a call to action in the video, such as ‘contact me now for …something’ ‘go to our website … ‘
- The video must provide knowledge-based.
- The video can have a watermark on it, but not been plastered with branding.
- If you find a video from someone else that’s awesome, great! Create a post and share it.
Do not post in the group and ask people to PM you to find out more about what you offer, how you can help or work with you.
Your comments (and YOU) will be removed and banned.
- Be polite.
- Don’t question admins or moderators.
- No second chances.
- That means respecting people’s feelings, privacy and rights.
- If you’re rude or disrespectful or spammy…expect to be banned.
Provide genuine and helpful feedback and suggestions to others.
- Ask questions.
- Give answers.
- Be the kind and supportive friend that you want and need.
Remember: We are all here to help each other…so always give more than you take, thanks.
- If you start your post with the words, ‘this is a rant’, please don’t post it.
We don’t want people in the group that swear and cuss. If you do that and you offend our members, you will be banned.
If you have a question about why your post was deleted, chances are you broke the rules. So read the rules.
We ask that you respect the time of our admins and owners and not DM US through FB.
If you don’t agree with ALL of these rules, please leave.
Other than that, let’s have some fun!
**Note: These rules are subject to change without notice and admins are exempt from these rules.
And remember: Share your thoughts and experiences because they are valuable to others.
The more insights and guidance, the better!
Thanks for reading, now let’s have some fun!