As technology advances, we are seeing the positive impact it is having on all aspects of our lives. Thankfully, SOFIHUB is ensuring that the older generation will not be left behind as assistive technology products in Australia transforms and evolves in aged care.
SOFIHUB pro solutions offer world-class hardware and software technology to improve the lives of senior citizens, their carers, and their families. The use of technology ensures a more personalised and thoughtful level of care for aging citizens. Read on to find out how SOFIHUB is reinventing the world of aged care.
Encouraging Independence
Monitors and tracking devices for senior citizens allow for greater empowerment in the aging population. SOFIHUB pro solutions promise greater security for senior citizens and more peace of mind for their loved ones. By monitoring movement and noting any unusual activity, SOFIHUB assistive technology in aged care allows senior citizens to stay moving and stay independent, knowing that they will be safe and looked after.
This increase in technology allows for senior citizens to live independently and removes the need for twenty-four-hour care from in-home carers. Providing non-invasive care and attention without the potential intrusiveness of caregivers in the home. For anyone who prioritises independence, this is a necessity.
Better Care
With improved assistive technology in aged care, senior citizens and their families can expect a higher level of care. Carers will have access to each patients’ data and will be able to easily track their movements to ensure their health and well-being. SOFIHUB pro solutions remove the need to even press a button or alarm, should an accident happen.
Instead, as soon as the system detects abnormal activity on the end of the senior citizen, an alert will automatically be sent to the online portal. This emergency alert will guarantee that help is quickly sent and on the way. Carers can simply not be everywhere at once, but this technology allows for them to be where they need to be when they need to be there.
Improved Collaboration and Technology
Assistive technology products in Australia is reshaping the world of medical care. With its ability to collect useful data and figures from each client, doctors can better serve the community. Using patient data, doctors can form better insight into effectively treating each patient with the highest level of expertise. When doctors have access to this day to day movement and health data, they can better collaborate with patients and carers.
Rather than one doctor being assigned to one patient, doctors now can work with multiple patients who need help. Each doctor will have clear information and patient history; allowing for personalised and attentive medical care. As this technology evolves and grows, we will see innovations once thought of as impossible. The work world is going remote, and so is aged care.
Ability to Adapt
SOFIHUB pro solutions, offering world-class assistive technology in Australia within aged care facilities, is one of the most advanced solutions in the world. Implementing the use of AI technology, SOFIHUB pro solutions can easily be installed and integrated into any system or building. Regardless of the age or construction of the senior home, SOFIHUB pro solutions can be stationed anywhere. Its adaptability means greater accessibility to a wider range of patients.
Rest assured that no matter the level of modernity in your senior citizen home, greater technology and better care is possible. Each system can be tailored to the unique needs of each facility.
Heightened Security
SOFIHUB ensures high-level security for all data in its network. All data gathered from SOFIHUB pro solutions is stored in a secure network. This allows patients to know that their health and well-being is prioritized, but that their privacy will never be sacrificed. Senior citizens are often at a higher risk of hacking and schemes, but with SOFIHUB, they can rest assured that their data and information is protected.
Elevated Efficiency
As information technology in aged care evolves and improves, it creates the ability for more efficiency in the workflow of carers. With this technology, they can quickly attend to those in need of help fast. With the data gathered, they are better equipped to divide their attention more effectively and helpfully. A streamlined workflow means that everything runs smoothly and that each patient is treated with the best level of care and attention.
Innovative Notifications
SOFIHUB pro solutions can be set up to provide a wide range of unique notifications and reminders to help senior citizens in their day to day life. The network allows for medication reminders, important events, device charging reminders, bedtime alerts, and even live text to voice messaging capabilities between carers and patients. These notifications allow for greater flexibility and remove the necessity for in-home care. The reminders help with day-to-day life and create far more ease for patients in remembering important moments and activities.
The world is constantly evolving as more technology is released into our world. With the many changes brought upon by the pandemic, one is the heightened need for remote technology. Businesses across the globe are changing to a remote setup, so it is only fitting that the medical world goes remote as well. Assistive technology products in Australia make this evolution a reality. Check out the SOFIHUB pro solutions today to find out more about the impact of this technology on our world and how it can help you.